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[vcat_testimonial style=”7″ rating=”5″ image_id=”120″ client_name=”The Pand – Small Luxury Hotel of the World”]It is fantastic to be able to outsource this process to Reviews4you.  They handle the reviews in a very professional way.

The reviews are managed efficiently, and on time, while our staff can focus on the service to our guests while they are staying here in the hotel which is our priority. Outsourcing to Reviews4you has been a great support in many ways and I would definitely not hesitate to recommend them.

Katelijne Haelters, General Manager Pand Hotel – Small Luxury Hotel of the World[/vcat_testimonial]

[vcat_testimonial style=”7″ rating=”4.5″ image_id=”119″ client_name=”Laris Hotels Group”]Reviews4you have been managing the reviews for a selection of our properties here in Krakow and responding to clients feedback on Tripadvisor & Google. These were previously managed by our reception desk however we had challenges to maintain high standards of response in a quick and efficient manner. Reviews4you stepped in and took over this task from our reception teams which means we now have professional replies to all reviews within 48 hours. We now have a better position on some portals because review sites are tracking our response times and our clients appreciate the fact that we are taking care of opinions.

Chris Barker, Director of Sales Laris Hotels Group[/vcat_testimonial]

[vcat_testimonial style=”7″ rating=”5″ image_id=”62″ client_name=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amen”]Phasellus et quam vestibulum, efficitur turpis nec, vestibulum magna. Nullam et ex semper, commodo dui ut, rutrum risus. Aliquam consequat mattis dapibus.

Morbi ut ligula imperdiet, pharetra orci vel, cursus dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi luctus, erat nec tincidunt mollis, leo ligula tempus sem, quis sodales sapien neque sit amet massa. Nunc at aliquam eros, at pulvinar est. Nam et justo lorem. Praesent et semper odio, pulvinar dignissim tellus.[/vcat_testimonial]

[vcat_testimonial style=”7″ rating=”5″ image_id=”61″ client_name=”Dolor sit amen”]Phasellus pulvinar rutrum ex, nec tempor nunc imperdiet nec. Nunc eu augue gravida, scelerisque orci eu, hendrerit enim. Suspendisse ut felis dolor. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce at finibus mauris. In tincidunt ante at neque fermentum lacinia. Etiam sollicitudin ligula augue, eget euismod elit volutpat eu. Duis magna libero, fermentum ac dolor vitae, blandit maximus nunc.

Vestibulum luctus hendrerit tortor, vitae lacinia sem sodales sed. Mauris gravida turpis eu auctor dictum. Ut condimentum leo eu accumsan bibendum.[/vcat_testimonial]

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