The facts
92% consumers read online reviews and 88% of consumers use reviews to determine whether to make a purchase or not
65% users more likely to book a hotel/restaurant that responds to reviews
85% users say a good management response to a negative review improves impression of a hotel/restaurant
80% believe that a hotel that responds to reviews cares more about its guests
Hotels responding to reviews enjoyed 17% higher levels of engagement and are 21% more likely to receive a booking enquiry
Trip Advisor and Google are sited as the websites where hotel research is most likely to be conducted.
Trip Advisor has 469 million unique visitors per month. Google has over 5 billion searches per day (but no statistics to show how many searches per industry)
The better managed your reviews the higher your ranking on related google searches
75% travellers are more likely to book a hotel with a higher ranking even if it is more expensive